CODE + : Cyber Archiving, Interactive Documentary, and Immersive
Experiences for the Digital Heritage Narratives of Asia
SIGGRAPH ASIA 2020 | Course | December 4th, 2020
The course aims to push the boundary of digital narrative by utilizing the cyber archiving, interactive documentary, and immersive experiences. This course investigates and explores the integration between cultural heritage and digital conservation, specifically towards the objects, deities, and sites of Asia. Through the reflections of the cultural heritage under the global perspective, the course raises the awareness of heritage conservation towards the origins and the transformations of Asia in the contemporary era.
Time: 9:10-10am
Presenter: Prof. Chen Wu-Wei
Title: Creative Coding for the Cyber Archiving of Namsan
Break: 10:00-10:05am
Time: 10:10-11am
Presenters: Sun Yunke, Wang Letian
Title: Mapping and Interactive Documentary of Batik Lawyan in Java
Break: 11-11:05am
Time: 11:10am-12pm
Presenters: Zhu Yanru, Xiong Haochen
Title: Mixed Reality Narrative for Erhu Artist Arbin
Time: 12-12:30pm
Panel Discussion
Closing Session +Q&A
Chen Wu-Wei, M.F.A., Ph.D.|陳 無 畏 博 士
Assistant Arts Professor
Faculty of Arts and Science
Affiliated Faculty of Center for Global Asia
NYU Shanghai
Dr. Chen integrates the concepts of 3D visualization, GIS mapping, and cultural data sculpting into digital heritage imaging. Dr. Chen hosts digital heritage forums at SIGGRAPH Asia and invites interdisciplinary experts (museum content, architecture, urban planning, curation, and aesthetics) for sharing.
In the exhibition "Transference: Images and Archives of Dazu Rock Carvings" curated by Mr. Qin Zhen at the Sichuan Art Academy Museum, Dr. Chen demonstrates the web-based interactive installation of Counting Beads Avalokiteśvara of cave No.125 (Beishan area of Dazu Rock Carvings, 960-1127 A.D.) in the form of point cloud visualization; In the same year, Chen also presents the digitization process to the audiences in New York during the “Virtual Journey: Chinese Buddhism Art and Architecture In the Digital Era ” exhibition curated by Ms. Jinyoung Jin at the Charles B. Wang Center. Chen further collaborates with art historians and conservators to host Mellon Buddhist Workshop at the FreerSackler Museum in Washington D.C. to share the experiences and conservation/research concepts from the perspective of digital heritage. To push the boundary, Chen utilizes GIS mapping and Extended Reality(XR) to integrate the heritage data into more comprehensive digital narrative.
Time Presenter Title
9:10 -10:00 am Prof. Chen Wu-Wei Creative Coding for the Cyber Archiving of Namsan
10:00 -10:05 am 5-min Break
10:10 -11:00 am Sun Yunke, Wang Letian Mapping and Interactive Documentary of Batik Lawyan in Java
11:00 -11: 05 am 5-min Break
11:10 am -12:00 pm Zhu Yanru, Xiong Haochen Mixed Reality Narrative for Erhu Artist Arbin
12:00 -12:30 pm Panel Discussion Closing Session +Q&A
The half-day workshop will be held in the EXCO, Daegu, South Korea (online event) on December 4th, 2020. Practitioners, developers, artists, designers, or participants with the investigative minds in digital narrative are most welcome.