SIGGRAPH ASIA 2017 | Workshop | November 2017
“Digital Heritage and Innovative Collaborations” workshop aims to explore the tangible / intangible aspects of digital heritage conservation, and the utilisation of computer graphics technology to broaden the format of narrative and messaging of cultural heritage conservation. Digital sculpting and projection mapping will be the main technical aspects to explore narrative of digital heritage conservation for further protecting, educating and consolidating “building dwelling thinking” through digital heritage preservation.
2017 年數字文化遺產講座,志在探索文化遺產保育的物質/非物質領域,運用電腦圖像技術,拓展文化遺產的敘事結構,及保育訊息傳播。技術探討方向將面向數位雕塑,投影貼圖,以及相關科技在數位文化遺產保育、教育等建立棲居思維的運用。
CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS | due August 15, 2017
We would like to call for papers submissions related to the followings:
1. 'Digital heritage Imaging'
- Inter-discilpinary design methods for digital heritage research, conservation and innovation.
2. 'Digitalisation of Social Face'
- Digitalisation of the representation and impact of the 'social face' in the framework of asian arts
(industry and education).
Dr. Chen Wu-Wei has served in broadcast industry as videographer, non-linear video editor as well as motion graphic designer and animator. Chen has also worked in Taiwan, New York, Beijing and Hong Kong as professional and educator at PTS, CTN, Artichoke.tv, Shih Chien University, Communication University of China, Hong Kong Design Institute and SCAD HK. Dr. Chen’s publications include PhD dissertation Body Aesthetics in Digital Performance and China Animation Yearbook. In the recent years, Dr. Chen integrates the concepts of 3D visualisation, interactive info-motion design and digital sculpting into digital heritage contents development. Dr. Chen also hosts digital heritage forum at SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 and invites experts of interdisciplinary areas (museum contes, architecture, urban planning, curation and aesthetics) for sharing. Chen's latest papers are accepted by Eurographics 2017 (Lyon), CIPA 2017 (Ottawa), DCH2017 (Berlin).
陳無畏博士現職紐約大學上海校區,之前任教於美國設計大學香港校區達六年。曾於廣播電視產業任職攝影助理、非線性剪輯師、動態圖像設計師及動畫師。陳博士亦曾在台灣、紐約、北京及香港工作及教學。任職電視台含括公共電視、傳訊電視及紐約 Artichoke.tv。任教大學則有實踐設計學院媒體傳達設計系、中國傳媒大學動畫學院、香港知專設計學院、以及薩凡納藝術設計大學。陳博士研究論文為『數位表演藝術中的身體美學』,其港澳地區動漫調研,亦收錄於『2009-2010年中國動畫年鑒』。近年來陳博士將數字三維可視化、交互動態圖像設計、數字雕塑等理念融入數字文化遺產內容開發,與香港絲路文化協會合作,將犍陀羅時期文物及佛教造像予以三維可視化,並導入網路交互閱覽平台。陳博士亦於2016年第九屆亞洲電腦圖形及互動技術會展中,主持數字文化遺產論壇,廣邀美、德等國在博物館內容、建築、都會發展、當代藝術策展及美學等方向學有專精的人士,分享經驗。陳博士的最新論文,亦收錄於2017年在法國里昂揭幕的歐洲電腦圖像協會會議,以及渥太華和柏林的數字文化遺產會議。
CO-PRESENTER | Tommaso Maggio
Tommaso Maggio is a product and communication design practitioner and academic. Maggio's practice investigates alternative ways of education, somaesthetics and consciousness. He is currently a Program Faculty Member, Senior Lecturer at the Dept. of Product Design, Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand. Moreover Maggio is a PhDc at Planetary Collegium (founded by the british artist and theorist Roy Ascott), Plymouth University, UK - DeTao-Node, Shanghai. Since 2006 he is fully involved in studio teaching, lecturing and curriculum development in product and communication design. He taught at CommDe, Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, at CEDIM (Centro de Estudios Superiores de Diseño de Monterrey) in Mexico, at NABA (Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti) and IED (Istituto Europeo di Design) in Milano, Italy. He earned his Master of Science in Industrial Design at the Politecnico di Milano (2003), Italy and he was erasmus bursary at Kunsthochschule Kassel (Germany). Furthermore in the last eighteen years his practice allowed him to work in a range of design disciplines from publishing, jewellery, branding, interior, to some experiments into the apparel and theatre. By working with institutions and companies across Asia, he has combined Italian design heritage and lifestyle with Eastern cultural influence.

Time Presenter Title
9:00 -10:00 am Mr. Chen Wu Wei Digital Heritage and Innovative Collaborations
10:00-11:00 am Mr. Tommaso Maggio The Social Body, The Social Face and Beyond
11:00-12:30 pm Presenters Various topics (TBC)
12:30-12:50 pm Panel Discussion
12:50-1:00 pm Closing Session +Q&A
The half-day workshop will be held in Bangkok on November 27, 2017. Participants equipped with digital sculpting skills, projection mapping experiences or enthusiastic in digital heritage narrative / conservation are most welcome.