Li Ke | CUC Alumni | Group Exhibition at Levant Gallery
負笈德國的南京學生李珂苦學有成,帶著新作,在上海開了聯展。見自己,見眾生,然後學生帶著你,見識更開闊的新天新地。 當老師,大概就這麼回事吧。 Li Ke, the former student of Nanjing, brings back the latest work...
The Plastics Era - An Elegy of Albatrosses
In the news: :: Shanghai Science and Technology Museum 上海科技館行政網 :: Sohu news 搜狐新聞 :: Tensen news 騰訊新聞
White Pagoda 2018 | Neighbourhood Warming Initiative | UNESCO + ICOMOS China
白塔寺 2018 | 暖城行動 | 演講 + 對話 + 影友會談 + 口述歷史
Virtual Journeys: Chinese Buddhist Art and Architecture In the Digital Era
Presentation | Long Island, NY 神奇的下午!有幸和中國當代青壯學者(北大、清華、浙大)、世界文化遺產守護者(敦煌、雲崗研究院)、國際專家(哈佛,紐大),共同分享數字時代中國佛教藝術及建築的全球視野!...
Transference: Images and Archives of Dazu Rock Carvings
Artist and interactive work "Body As Echoes".