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Digital Heritage
文 化 遺 產 數 字 化



Course Title

Chen Wu-Wei, M.F.A., Ph.D.

Course_Digital Heritage

Chen Wu-Wei

Course Description

This course investigates and explores the integration between cultural heritage and digital conservation, specifically towards the objects, deities, and sites of China. Through the reflections of the Chinese cultural heritage under the global perspectives of Chinese history, the course raises the awareness of heritage conservation and critical heritage studies towards the origins and the transformations of China in the contemporary era. Academic readings and oral presentations revolving around the theme lectures enhance students’ senses of documentation and restoration by innovative digital techniques in China; Conservator presentations, field trips, gallery visits, and art projects enable students to communicate with practitioners in the field, and examine the values of Chinese cultural heritages under global perspective. 

Dr. Chen integrates the concepts of 3D visualization, interactive info-motion design and digital sculpting into digital heritage contents development. Dr. Chen also hosts digital heritage forums at SIGGRAPH Asia (Macau, Bangkok, Daegu) and invites experts of interdisciplinary areas (museum contents, architecture, urban planning, curation and aesthetics) for sharing.


Office Hour Booking

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Digital Heritage
Poetic Dwelling In the Chinese Gardens and Pavilions
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Poetic Dwelling In the Chinese Gardens and Pavilions

Thousand-Buddha Grotto of Guangyuan | 四川廣元千佛崖|Sichuan
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Thousand-Buddha Grotto of Guangyuan | 四川廣元千佛崖|Sichuan

"Neon Memory" projection mapping pre-vis | Jerry Chen
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"Neon Memory" projection mapping pre-vis | Jerry Chen

"Neon Memory" documentary film | Jerry Chen and Caleb Lo
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"Neon Memory" documentary film | Jerry Chen and Caleb Lo

Pilot Class

Student Gallery




The delegation consists 21 students and 4 professors from cross-disciplinary areas (Center for Global Asia, Humanities, Interactive Media Arts, Visual Arts). In the 4-day trip, students prepare their presentations for the selected caves, cyber-archive the façade painting, and conduct speed drawings onsite. 



本團隊由師生共25人組成,分別來自跨領域學科(環球亞洲研究中心、人文學系、交互媒體藝術系、視覺藝術系)。四天的行程中,學生們在四位教授的帶領下,在莫高石窟群中,對負責的窟龕進行現場英文介紹、數字化洞窟外部壁畫、以及現場速寫紀錄。 陳無畏教授藉由學習數位雕塑,強化藝術、文化、技術方面的探討。業界標準的數位雕塑及三維動畫工具,在敦煌學習之旅中,化身為活化文物遺產的平台,以亞洲古蹟雕塑為主角,探索角色設計及概念設計的可能性。



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