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Digital Conservation for Buddhist Deities 
佛 教 造 像 字 修 復



Course Title

Chen Wu-Wei, M.F.A., Ph.D.

Course_Digital Heritage

Chen Wu-Wei

Course Description

This course belongs to the series of topics in Digital Buddhism(Phenomenology, Iconography, Pedagogy, Technology). It aims to explore digital techniques utilized in Buddhist deities restorations. Directions in the course include: traditional restoration, digital imaging, digital sculpting, and innovative techniques as alternative methods. 


Students will be guided to understand the different categories of buddhist deities, the traditional ways to restore by handcraft masters, restorations records review, non-intrusive ways to de-bug and protect deities, and principles of reversibility in the restoration process. Advanced optical technology to exam the cultural objects will be introduced in the course as well. 

Dr. Chen integrates the concepts of 3D visualization, interactive info-motion design and digital sculpting into digital heritage contents development. Dr. Chen also hosts digital heritage forums at SIGGRAPH Asia (Macau, Bangkok, Daegu) and invites experts of interdisciplinary areas (museum contents, architecture, urban planning, curation and aesthetics) for sharing.


Office Hour Booking

Project Brief
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Digital Conservation for Buddhist Deities
Hindu hand-drawn type in a root rectangle space | Parmita Sujan
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Hindu hand-drawn type in a root rectangle space | Parmita Sujan

"Neon Memory" projection mapping pre-vis | Jerry Chen
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"Neon Memory" projection mapping pre-vis | Jerry Chen

"The Buddhist's Dictionary" | Cody Samson
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"The Buddhist's Dictionary" | Cody Samson

"Untitled" | Paola Chen
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"Untitled" | Paola Chen

Pilot Class

Student Gallery



In the “Crafting for Spirituality: A Pedagogic Project”, Professor Chen Wu-Wei enhances students' 

knowledge of artistic, cultural, technical aspects associated with digital sculpting using Z-Brush, Maya and Mudbox. Students get to explore character design and concept imagery through speed sculpting while integrating historic sculptures, decorations and motifs.






Image courtesy | 3D printing test | Remy Bustani

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